New figures released by ISC Research reveal a surge in international private schooling in China, with 48 new international schools set to open in the next few years.

At least 30 British international schools have established partnerships or service agreements with a Chinese investor, including Reigate Grammar School, Durham School, Fettes College and Westminster School.

Between them, the 30 British-style independent schools in China now educate around 16,000 students.

Enrolment in Chinese-owned private schools has gained pace since 2013/14, with a 63.6 per cent increase across the sector. Under Chinese law, these schools are not permitted foreign ownership but 31 have partnerships or service agreements with foreign institutions.

These links help offer independent Chinese schools significant educational support, brand integrity, business relationships and an international outlook. Some even bear the name of their partner school in the UK, like Wycombe Abbey International in Hangzhou.

Many more, like Wellington College’s newly-opened Huili School in Shanghai share a successful service agreement.

Read sample pages of the ISC Research 2018-19 China Report online.

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Universities that 'pressure sell' unconditional offers are 'unethical', Education Secretary warns

Damian Hinds has called for a review of university admissions, arguing that it is unacceptable for students to feel “backed into a corner” when deciding which offer to take up.

The number of unconditional offers has risen sharply in recent years, with students now 30 times more likely to receive one than five years ago.

Fierce competition between universities to attract students has seen sixth form pupils increasingly offered places regardless of their exam results.

Some institutions hand out “incentivised” offers, where they tell students that their offer will be unconditional but only if they accept it as their first choice university.

The universities watchdog has warned that applying “psychological pressure” or “creating an impression of urgency” in decision making could be a potential breach of consumer protection law.

“It is simply unacceptable for universities to adopt pressure-selling tactics, which are harming students’ grades in order to fill places,” Mr Hinds said.

“‘Conditional unconditional’ offers are damaging the reputation of the institutions involved and our world-leading sector as a whole.”  Mr Hinds said he intends to write to 23 institutions – including Birmingham University which is a member of the Russell Group - “urging them to stamp out this unethical practice”.  

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