Godolphin & Latymer School - Hammersmith
What is Godolphin and Latymer School like?
The Godolphin and Latymer School boasts a surprisingly serene six-acre campus close to the river in the west of London. It offers one of the most academically rigorous girls' only school experiences in London, for girls aged 11 - 18.
The school aims to “encourage girls to learn about local, national and global issues, and in so doing . . . become considerate, compassionate and courageous young women who fully expect to take active responsibility for the community and the environment in which they live, as well as for themselves, now and in the future.” This philosophy aligns with the school's provision of the IB Diploma, in addition to the more widely available A-levels.
This is a very academic school and the always impressive results are testament to the rigid and thorough work of the long-standing staff members. Girls in the Sixth Form, study for either the IB or A levels and in 2022 96% of leavers secured places at their first-choice university including Oxbridge, Russell Group universities and leading US institutions.
On-site sports facilities are surprisingly impressive given the location of the school and music and the arts is an area in which Godolphin and Latymer girls have always flourished. Dedicated, modern facilities give the girls the space and platform they need to reach their potential.
Would Godolphin and Latymer School be suitable for my child?
Godolphin and Latymer School is one of the country’s leading independent day Schools for girls. The school is therefore suited for girls who not only have a strong academic pedigree but also have the study skills and drive to reach their full potential across the board.
The school is non-denominational and despite only being a day school there are a number of girls at the school with international backgrounds.
How can I apply to Godolphin and Latymer?
Girls are normally admitted to the school at age 11 or into the Sixth Form at 16+ , although lucky enquirers may find an occasional vacancy in other years. Entry is on a competitive basis and whilst applicants are interviewed, there are generally around 800 students applying for 120 places at 11+.
Godolphin and Latymer is part of the 11+ London Consortium, formerly known as the North London Girls’ Consortium. A group of 12 independent schools in London that manage their admissions process collectively. As parents tend to apply for places at the same schools, the consortium ensures that the process is consistent across the board.
Please contact us for advice on applying to this and other highly selective schools.
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