Girls' Boarding Schools by A Levels and Pre U

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2023 Results

# A + A* % Name Day/Board Boy/Girl Day £ Board £
1 74.86 Wycombe Abbey School Boarding Girls 38,700 50,925
2 73.08 Cheltenham Ladies' College Both Girls 35,700 54,000
3 70.00 St Mary's Calne Both Girls 36,600 49,065
4 64.00 Downe House School Both Girls 37,830 50,865
5 62.00 St Mary's School Ascot Both Girls    
6 60.85 St Swithun's School Both Girls 27,003 45,636
7 60.25 St Catherine's School Both Girls 23,295 39,470
8 58.49 Burgess Hill Girls Both Girls 25,095 44,595
9 57.00 Benenden School Boarding Girls 36,282 50,214
10 55.59 Roedean School Both Girls 28,230 56,790
11 52.68 Mayfield School Both Girls 29,250 44,925
12 49.74 Badminton School Both Girls 20,550 51,375
13 49.23 Headington Rye Oxford Both Girls 24,540 49,398
14 49.00 Queen Anne's School Both Girls 28,095 50,214
= 49.00 Godolphin Both Girls 27,390 48,030
16 47.15 Royal Masonic School for Girls Both Girls 24,045 43,755
17 45.00 St Mary's School Cambridge Both Girls 21,330 45,840
= 45.00 Moreton Hall School Both Girls (Co-ed 11 - 13) 26,919 40,233
19 44.80 Sherborne Girls Both Girls 30,330 47,190
20 42.24 Royal High School Both Girls 17,658 40,374
21 42.00 St George's School - Ascot Both Girls 28,560 45,435
22 41.00 Harrogate Ladies' College Both Girls 20,400 43,230
23 37.90 Woldingham School Both Girls 30,330 51,555
24 37.10 The Mount School York Both Girls 22,248 38,166
25 33.00 Heathfield School Both Girls 28,290 45,762
26 31.00 Malvern St James Girls' School Both Girls 24,267 49,698
27 30.60 Queenswood School Both Girls 31,020 47,535
28 30.00 Kent College Pembury Both Girls 28,740 42,930

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This table lists the Top Girls' Boarding Schools in the UK based on 2023 A Level results. Rankings are based on the percentage of A Level entries awarded A* and A grades. Where students have been entered for Pre-U exams the tables include the percentage of Pre-U grades from D1-M1. To qualify for inclusion there must be a minimum of 20 students in the cohort and a minimum number of boarders.

Click on the name of a school for more details. The table can be reordered by Name, Ranking, Day or Boarding Fees etc by clicking on the arrows at the top of each column.


  1. We make every effort to obtain results for every independent school, but there are sometimes a few gaps in our data, because the information is not freely available or because a school will not supply it. In most cases this applies to schools that would not appear in the top quartile of the table.
  2. Sometimes grades improve as a result of appeals or remarks and we may update the data periodically, as long it does not distort the results of schools which have not given us their remarks. We encourage all schools to supply corrections or additions by contacting us at
  3. Exam results are not the only criteria by which to judge a school. The schools at the top of this table are very selective on their admissions. Be aware that your child may not necessarily thrive in a high pressure academic environment. Please contact us for advice on choosing the right school.
  4. We make a substantial investment of time and effort in preparing these tables, and all copyright and database rights in the tables belong to us. Please respect this by not reproducing the tables or the information within them, in whole or in part, without our consent. If you wish to reproduce any of our tables or the information within them then please contact us for details.